Chapter 10 Synthesis

10.1 Summary

In this session, we’ll pull together the skills that we’ve learned so far. We’ll create a new GitHub repo and R project, wrangle and visualize data from spreadsheets in R Markdown, communicate between RStudio (locally) and GitHub (remotely) to keep our updates safe, then share our outputs in a nicely formatted GitHub ReadMe. And we’ll learn a few new things along the way!

Grolemund & Wickham R4DS Illustration

Grolemund & Wickham R4DS Illustration

10.2 Objectives

  • Create a new repo on GitHub
  • Start a new R project, connected to the repo
  • Create a new R Markdown document
  • Attach necessary packages (googlesheets4, tidyverse, here)
  • Use here::here() for simpler (and safer) file paths
  • Read in data from a Google sheet with the googlesheets4 package in R
  • Basic data wrangling (dplyr, tidyr, etc.)
  • Data visualization (ggplot2)
  • Publish with a useful ReadMe to share

10.3 Resources

10.4 Lesson

10.4.1 Set-up:

  • Log in to your GitHub account and create a new repository called sea-creature-synthesis
  • Clone the repo to create a version controlled project (remember, copy & paste the URL from the GitHub Clone / Download)
  • In the local project folder, create a subfolder called ‘data’
  • Copy and paste the fish_counts_curated.csv and lobster_counts.csv into the ‘data’ subfolder
  • Create a new R Markdown document within your sea-creature-synthesis project
  • Knit your .Rmd to html, saving as sb_sea_creatures.Rmd

10.4.2 Attach packages and read in the data

Attach (load) packages with library():

Now we’ll read in our files with readr::read_csv(), but our files aren’t in our project root. They’re in the data subfolder.

Use here::here() to direct R where to look for files, if they’re not in the project root. Not sure where that is? Type here() in the Console, and it will tell you!


Go ahead, find your project root!

Then use here::here() again to easily locate a file somewhere outside of the exact project root. In our case, the files we want to read in are in the data subfolder - so we have to tell R how to get there from the root:

Check out the two data frames (fish_counts and lobster_counts).

The fish_counts data frame is in pretty good shape. But the lobster_counts df could use some love, because there are “-99999” entries indicating NA values, and the column names would be difficult to write code with.

When reading in the lobster data, let’s:

  • convert every “-99999” to an NA
  • get the column names into lower snake case using janitor::clean_names()

Look at it again to check (always look at your data) - now both data frames seem pretty coder-friendly to work with.

10.4.3 Data wrangling

  • join?
  • filter?
  • unite/separate

  • Read in lobster data
  • Join with another existing data frame (or 2?)
  • Pivoting
  • Transforming / subsetting
  • Grouping & summarizing (for means, sd, count)
  • Make a table
  • Make a graph

Possible new things: complete()

10.5 Fun facts (quirky things) - making a note of these wherever possible for interest (little “Did you know?” sections)

10.6 Interludes (deep thoughts/openscapes)

10.7 Efficiency Tips